The City of Double Horn is a Type B General Law city. The City Council is composed of a Mayor and five (5) Aldermen, all of whom are elected at-large. Each Alderman is elected by plurality by the qualified voters of the City.
Each member serves a staggered two (2) year term, thus the Mayor and two (2) Aldermen are elected in odd-numbered years and three (3) Aldermen are elected in even-numbered years.)
Cathy Sereno
Email: (Term Exp. 2025)
James E. Millard (Term Exp. 2024)
John Osborne (Term Exp. 2024)
Laura Rathe: (Term Exp. 2025)
Bob Schmitz (Term Exp. 2025)
Glen Stafford (Term Exp. 2024)
All Aldermen can be reached through the "Contact Us" page on the website.
Christina McDonald, TRMC
Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.
City of Double Horn
103 Vista View Trail, Ste 100, Double Horn, TX 78669 Office Hours: tuesday thru Thursday noon - 2 pm or by appointment
TELEPHONE; 830.201.4042
Copyright © 2018 City of Double Horn - All Rights Reserved.